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Our Price Promise

The Bathworks Price Promise ensures customers can access the best quality bathroom products, Coupled with Bathworks premium customer service, at the best possible price. As such, we promise to match or beat any like-for-like quote from a Irish retail competitor.By ‘like-for-like’, we mean identical products and specifications with the same delivery terms, including timescales and any charges.

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Please share your quote with us using the form below, and we will contact you within 48 hours to discuss.

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We will contact you within 48 hours to discuss.

Price Promise Policy

By "like-for-like", we mean identical products and specifications, with the same delivery terms - these include timescales and any charges.

Please note the following:

1) We will match online-only prices, if we are able to, at our discretion

2) We will beat retail competitors' sale and promotional prices, but not ex-display, B-grade or other 'special purchase' offers

3) The amount by which we beat a quote will vary, depending on our own purchase costs.  

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